Welcome to British School of Valencia
British School of Valencia (BSV) is a prestigious private British school located in the heart of the city.
It features two campuses designed to provide an outstanding education: one dedicated to Early Years, Primary and Secondary education, and the other, known as BSV Nexus, exclusively for Sixth Form students.
With an international student community, BSV welcomes pupils of all nationalities, from the ages of 2 to 18, offering a global and innovative educational experience.
A family atmosphere where collaboration and willingness to share their educational experience makes the students feel unique, understood, appreciated and loved.
Come and discover
British School of Valencia
British Education System
Based on the British curriculum, our teaching aims to strengthen the cultural ties between Britain and Spain, encouraging the integration of our students, motivating and stimulating them at an academic and personal level.
BSV is recognised by both the British and Spanish education authorities. Students obtain both official certificates: A-Level and Spanish Bachillerato qualifications.
The school nurtures an all-round personal development, fostering students’ individuality and social integration for them to tackle future social and professional responsibilities.
Academic Excellence
BSV strives to offer a distinct educational model providing an excellent British education both at an academic and human level.
Through a combination of hard work from the students, as well as the guidance and support of their teachers, pupils manage to reach their goals in their official examinations. This allows our students to get into the university of their choice, whether in Spain, the UK or any other foreign country.
BSV Community
Since the school was founded in 1992, BSV has continued to thrive and improve to meet the shifting requirements of an ever-changing world.
Throughout this transformation, the school has made it a priority that the family feeling fostered from the very beginning continues to pervade.
Mr Capper is and experienced school and system leader. Prior to joining BSV he was Headteacher at The Marvell College, a large secondary school in the North of England and prior to that he was Head of Teaching School at The Pathfinder Teaching School Hub in York. These roles afforded him a breadth of experiences both in supporting schools and developing staff.
Our teachers
BSV rely on the essential contribution of highly qualified teachers to make our educational vision a reality.
Made up of British and Spanish staff, but also from other nationalities such as French, German, Chinese or American, our teachers invest their time and dedication to improve their student’s wellbeing, motivating and guiding them throughout their educational journey.
Nos sentimos orgullosos de anunciar que hemos sido incluidos en la lista de los 100 Mejores Colegios de España en el ranking elaborado por la revista @forbes_es 🎉
En BSV apostamos por una educación que va más allá de lo académico y este reconocimiento es el reflejo del esfuerzo conjunto de nuestra comunidad escolar 🌟
¡Gracias por este logro compartido! 👏
We are proud to announce that we have been included in the list of the Top 100 Schools in Spain in the Forbes ranking 🎉
At BSV, we are committed to an education that goes beyond academics, and this recognition reflects the collective effort of our entire school community 🌟
Thank you for being part of this shared achievement! 👏
#BSV #CognitaWay #BestSchools #MejoresColegios

¡En BSV estamos comprometidos con marcar la diferencia! 🐾 Nuestros alumnos han recaudado fondos para apoyar el bienestar animal, demostrando su compromiso con la empatía y la responsabilidad.
🔗 Lee más sobre esta iniciativa en nuestra bio.
At BSV, we are committed to making a difference! 🐾 Our students have raised funds to support animal welfare, showing their dedication to compassion and responsibility.
🔗 Read more about this initiative in our bio.

🌟 Nos enorgullece compartir que hemos sido reconocidos entre los 100 Mejores Colegios de España por el periódico @elespanol2015. Este prestigioso ranking ha distinguido a BSV como uno de los 50 colegios más sobresalientes por nuestro compromiso con la calidad, el progreso y la excelencia académica. Celebramos este reconocimiento junto a otros colegios Cognita como Meres, BSB, Hastings, CEM, Mirasur y ELIS 🎉
🔗 Más información en el enlace de nuestra biografía.
🌟 We are proud to share that we have been recognised by EL ESPAÑOL newspaper as one of the 100 Best Schools in Spain! This prestigious ranking selected BSV as one of the 50 most outstanding schools for our commitment to quality, progress, and academic excellence. We would also like to congratulate our fellow Cognita schools—Meres, BSB, Hastings, CEM, Mirasur, and ELIS—on this fantastic achievement 🎉
🔗 Read more in the link in our bio.
#BSV #CognitaWay #BestSchools #MejoresColegios

Los alumnos de Year 7 tuvieron el privilegio de recibir la visita del poeta Diego González Cascos, quien, además de ser un gran referente en el mundo literario, es el abuelo de uno de nuestros alumnos ✨📖. Durante la charla, Diego compartió su pasión por la poesía, habló sobre sus publicaciones y animó a nuestros alumnos a descubrir el poder de las palabras. Fue un encuentro enriquecedor donde pudieron hacer preguntas, reflexionar sobre la creatividad y, quién sabe, quizás despertar a futuros poetas entre nosotros. ¡Gracias, Diego, por esta visita tan especial!
Our Year 7 students had the privilege of welcoming the poet Diego González Cascos to our school. Not only is he an esteemed literary figure, but he is also the grandfather of one of our students ✨📖. During the session, Diego shared his passion for poetry, spoke about his published works, and encouraged our students to discover the power of words. It was an enriching experience where they had the chance to ask questions, reflect on creativity, and perhaps even awaken future poets among them. Thank you, Diego, for such a special visit!
#BSV #CognitaWay #InspiringFuturePoets #PoetryEncounter

En matemáticas, nuestros alumnos de Reception han estado aprendiendo a ordenar y secuenciar eventos en el tiempo. Para poner en práctica sus nuevos conocimientos, realizaron una actividad preparando sándwiches de mantequilla y mermelada. Primero, organizaron una serie de imágenes que mostraban las instrucciones paso a paso, mientras sus profesoras les animaban a utilizar palabras como `primero`, `después`, `luego`, `a continuación` y `por último` para describir el proceso. ¡Fue una forma divertida y deliciosa de aprender!
During their Maths class, our Reception students have been learning how to order and sequence events in time. To put their new skills into practice, they took on the task of making butter and jam sandwiches. First, they arranged a series of pictures showing the step-by-step instructions, whilst their teachers encouraged them to use words like `first`, `next`, `then`, `after`, and `finally` to describe the process. It was a fun and delicious way to learn!
#BSV #CognitaWay #LearningThroughPlay #HandsOnLearning

En BSV hemos tenido el honor de recibir a dos profesionales de la Sede de Tecnología de la Información y las Comunicaciones de las Naciones Unidas para celebrar el #DíaInternacionalDeLaMujerYLaNiñaEnLaCiencia 🔬👩💻. Nuestros alumnos disfrutaron de una charla muy inspiradora sobre el papel clave de las mujeres en las carreras de ciencia y tecnología. En BSV, apostamos por empoderar a las nuevas generaciones y animarlas a soñar en grande, porque el futuro de la ciencia también es femenino.
At BSV we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming two incredible professionals from the United Nations Information and Communications Technology Facility to celebrate the #InternationalDayOfWomenInScience 🔬👩💻. They shared their experiences and insights with our students, highlighting the crucial role of women in science and technology careers. At BSV, we believe in empowering young minds and encouraging them to dream big—because the future of science needs more women!
#BSV #CognitaWay #WomenInScience #STEM #InspiringTheNextGeneration

🎉 British School of Valencia ha sido reconocido, un año más, como uno de los mejores colegios en el ranking de @micoleoficial, la plataforma líder para buscar colegios en España.
Hemos destacado en:
🏅 Top 10 Mejores Colegios Privados de Valencia
🏅 Top 100 Mejores Colegios Privados de España
🏅 Top 100 Mejores Colegios de Valencia
✨ Gracias a toda nuestra comunidad por hacerlo posible. ¡Seguimos trabajando para mantener este nivel de excelencia! 💙
🎉 British School of Valencia has once again been recognised as one of the best schools in the Micole ranking, a leading school search platform in Spain.
We’ve achieved top positions in:
🏅 Top 10 Best Private Schools in Valencia
🏅 Top 100 Best Private Schools in Spain
🏅 Top 100 Best Schools in Valencia
✨ A huge thank you to our community for making this possible. Let’s keep aiming higher! 💙
#BSV #CognitaWay #ProudToBeBSV #TopSchools2024 #ExcellenceInEducation

¡Fomentando el amor por la lectura desde pequeños! ✨📖 En BSV sabemos que la lectura es clave para el desarrollo de la creatividad, la imaginación y la comprensión. Por eso, hemos creado un rincón muy especial en el patio; una acogedora caseta de madera donde nuestros alumnos pueden disfrutar de un buen libro en un ambiente tranquilo y agradable 📚💙
Encouraging a love for reading from an early age ✨📖 At BSV, we strongly believe that reading is key to developing creativity, imagination, and comprehension. That’s why we’ve created a special corner in the playground; a cosy wooden shed where our students can enjoy a good book in a peaceful and quiet setting 📚💙
#BSV #CognitaWay #LoveForBooks #GrowingThroughReading

School News
The Internet has enabled students to have instant access to an ever-expanding world of Information.
Ranking of Best International Schools in the Comunidad Valenciana by El Mundo British School of Valencia has been included in the list of the 12 best...
El Mundo Ranking of the Best International Schools in Spain 2022 Once again, we are very proud to announce that British School of Valencia has...
British School of Valencia among Forbes’ Best Schools in Spain The prestigious Forbes magazine has published the second edition of their Best Schools in Spain ranking...
Going back to school or going back to work for an adult might seem a complicated task at first due to all the changes that this implies.
El Mundo Ranking of the Best International Schools in Spain 2022 Once again, we are very proud to announce that British School of Valencia has...
Ranking of Best International Schools in the Comunidad Valenciana by El Mundo British School of Valencia has been included in the list of the 12 best...
British School of Valencia among Forbes’ Best Schools in Spain The prestigious Forbes magazine has published the second edition of their Best Schools in Spain ranking...
We had the pleasure to host Mr Frank Maassen, Group Chief Executive Officer of Cognita.
2 - 5 years old
5 - 11 years old
11 - 16 years old
16 - 18 years old
Explore our FAQs
The British School of Valencia (BSV) offers a comprehensive education from Early Years to Sixth Form, following the National Curriculum for England. It begins with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for children aged 2 to 5, followed by Primary Education (Years 1 to 6) for ages 5 to 11. Secondary Education (Years 7 to 11) prepares students aged 11 to 16 for the prestigious Cambridge IGCSE exams. Finally, the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) provides pre-university preparation through A-Level programmes, guiding students toward international universities.
Studying at a British school in Valencia offers numerous advantages, including an internationally recognised and academically rigorous education through the British National Curriculum, ensuring high proficiency in English and other foreign languages. This environment fosters personal development by enhancing social, emotional, and physical skills while also promoting cultural diversity, equipping students with the understanding and adaptability needed to thrive in both professional and personal settings.
The level of English required to study at our British school in Valencia varies depending on the educational stage. For early levels, no extensive prior knowledge is required, as children naturally acquire the language from their early years. However, for higher levels, students are expected to have sufficient English proficiency to follow the academic curriculum. Language assessments are conducted to ensure students can integrate successfully.
Our British school in Valencia ensures a smooth integration for international students through inclusive support, including welcome programmes with orientation sessions and a buddy system, Spanish as a foreign language classes, personalised tutoring for individual guidance, and diverse extracurricular activities that promote social and cultural integration.