

(+34) 678 006 034

Inspection Reports and Accreditations

Inspection reports

British School of Valencia is accredited by the National Association of British Schools in Spain – Nabss which ensures that accredited schools meet the requirements of the British National Curriculum and the British Council (British government). BSV is also recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

If you would like to consult the last inspection report carried out by Nabss to understand the criteria in which BSV is evaluated during this process, you are able to download the document here:


Our school is an approved examining centre for Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge International Examinations as well as being a preparation centre for Cambridge English Language Assessment.


We are also accredited or members of a prestigious selection of associations and institutions which we mention below:

British School of Valencia

Admissions :Admisiones (+34) 678 006 034
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