

(+34) 678 006 034

University & Career Guidance Programme

The key to academic and professional success

Thanks to our guidance programme, the BSV leadership team guides, helps and advises students in the choice of subjects based on their preferences and skills.

As pupils progress in their studies, they have the chance to meet with different universities through face-to-face talks and lectures as well as professional environments to find out what they are most interested in, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding their future career paths.

Career Guidance Lectures

A very positive initiative which we’ve now organised for several years has to do with our Career Guidance Lectures. These talks are given by both public and private universities, BSV families as well as by our former students.

In this regard, we schedule a visit to the school in which different universities have the chance to explain their academic offer to the pupils. On the other hand, our former students come to talk about their university experience to current students to help them choose one career path or another. They also help to solve possible doubts thanks to their first-hand experiences.

Work Experience Programme

Students may also participate in our Work Experience Programme. Its main objective is to show first-hand professional working environments to help pupils decide their future career choices.

It is a unique opportunity for companies and students to meet each other, giving students the chance to take part in real-life projects whilst they learn more about different working environments.

In addition, the experience gained provides a great advantage when applying for positions at foreign universities, as these practical experiences enhance students' resumes.

British School of Valencia

Admissions :Admisiones (+34) 678 006 034
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