

(+34) 678 006 034

Your Child's Journey

Creating a unique learning experience

We will support your child’s learning from start to finish, providing an excellent British education at an academic and human level.

  • Early Years students are introduced to a new language through storytelling, music, and sensory play activities.

  • Children start learning in a happy, active, fun, and safe environment, specially designed for them that supports their continuous progress.

  • The first two years have an inclusive and preparatory nature where students begin to learn new skills which they will be able to put into practice in the upcoming years.

  • Students will continue to develop other abilities and gain new knowledge through different activities which include practical work, project-based learning, group dynamics and games.

  • The British Secondary Education system offers a broad and balanced curriculum in which specialised teachers are introduced for each one of the subjects. This aims to provide the students with a well-rounded education.

  • IGCSE examinations are a crucial component of Secondary Education. These examinations assess students' knowledge and skills on various subjects at the end of Year 11.

  • Our pre-university students follow a more specialised and advanced curriculum which prepares them to face future challenges once their reach university.

  • Students must take the AS/A-Level examinations to obtain the General Certificate of Education (GCE). They all finish their studies at BSV with both official certificates, one for the British AS/A-Level system and one for the Spanish Bachillerato.

British School of Valencia

Admissions :Admisiones (+34) 678 006 034
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