Creating a unique learning experience
We will support your child’s learning from start to finish, providing an excellent British education at an academic and human level.

Early Years students are introduced to a new language through storytelling, music, and sensory play activities.
Children start learning in a happy, active, fun, and safe environment, specially designed for them that supports their continuous progress.

The first two years have an inclusive and preparatory nature where students begin to learn new skills which they will be able to put into practice in the upcoming years.
Students will continue to develop other abilities and gain new knowledge through different activities which include practical work, project-based learning, group dynamics and games.

The British Secondary Education system offers a broad and balanced curriculum in which specialised teachers are introduced for each one of the subjects. This aims to provide the students with a well-rounded education.
IGCSE examinations are a crucial component of Secondary Education. These examinations assess students' knowledge and skills on various subjects at the end of Year 11.

Our pre-university students follow a more specialised and advanced curriculum which prepares them to face future challenges once their reach university.
Students must take the AS/A-Level examinations to obtain the General Certificate of Education (GCE). They all finish their studies at BSV with both official certificates, one for the British AS/A-Level system and one for the Spanish Bachillerato.